Workgroup to study uncontested probate proceedings
The Florida Supreme Court has established a Workgroup on Uncontested Probate Proceedings to make recommendations to “redesign and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of this state’s processes and procedures for uncontested probate proceedings.”
The court, in Administrative order AOSC24-20, noted the trial courts manage a considerable number of probate proceedings each year, many of which are uncontested.
“Resolution of such proceedings in a prompt and fair manner benefits litigants and the court system,” the court said. “Opportunities may exist to redesign and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of this state’s probate processes and procedures.”
The workgroup will operate under the Judicial Management Council and will be chaired by 20th Circuit Judge Michael T. McHugh.
The workgroup is charged with:
- Examining the state’s practices, rules of court, and laws for uncontested probate proceedings.
- Reviewing processes and procedures for addressing uncontested probate proceedings in other states to identify reforms that may improve the efficient and effective resolution of such proceedings in this state.
- Making recommendations, if warranted, to improve the processes and procedures for uncontested probate proceedings and propose any revisions to practices, rules of court, or statutes that are needed to implement the workgroup’s recommendations.
The workgroup will present its findings and recommendations to the Bar’s Probate Rules Committee for comment before submitting its final report to the Judicial Management Council by July 1, 2025.
Those appointed to the workgroup include:
- Benjamin F. Diamond of St. Petersburg
- Gregory C. Harrell, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller of Marion County
- Darby Jones, a professional fiduciary of St. Petersburg
- Theodore S. Kypreos of West Palm Beach
- Third DCA Judge Edwin A. Scales III
- 11th Circuit Judge Bertila A. Soto
- Zackary T. Zuroweste of Clearwater
Originally published at https://www.floridabar.org/the-florida-bar-news/workgroup-to-study-uncontested-probate-proceedings/
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