Florida Hospital System Agrees to Pay .5 Million to Resolve Liability Relating to Self-Disclosure of Improper Discounts

Florida Hospital System Agrees to Pay $1.5 Million to Resolve Liability Relating to Self-Disclosure of Improper Discounts

Florida Hospital System Agrees to Pay .5 Million to Resolve Liability Relating to Self-Disclosure of Improper Discounts

Florida Hospital System Agrees to Pay $1.5 Million to Resolve Liability Relating to Self-Disclosure of Improper Discounts

Originally published at https://www.justice.gov/usao-mdfl/pr/florida-hospital-system-agrees-pay-15-million-resolve-liability-relating-self

The post Florida Hospital System Agrees to Pay $1.5 Million to Resolve Liability Relating to Self-Disclosure of Improper Discounts first appeared on City News Miami.

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