ABOTA Tallahassee Chapter President Jim Floyd, ABOTA Tallahassee Executive Director Vickie Bramblett, and Second Judicial Circuit Judge Stephen S. Everett.
At the Winter Tallahassee ABOTA meeting on January 20, Tallahassee Chapter President Jim Floyd presented the annual 2023 ABOTA Trial Jurist of the Year award to Second Circuit Judge Judge Stephen S. Everett.
“Judge Everett is an amazing judge. He was recognized for his amazing work surrounding the Markel case, his patience with both trial teams and witnesses, and also his wonderful way of how he composes himself on the bench in every case he has in front of him,” said ABOTA Tallahassee Executive Director Vickie Bramblett. “Judge Everett shows the utmost professionalism and ethics as required for an ABOTA award. He upholds the ABOTA mission of fostering improvement in ethics and technical standards of practice in advocacy of the law.”
Bramblett also said Judge Everett upholds the Seventh Amendment of the U.S. Constitution “for each and every person to be able to have a trial by a jury of their peers as do all your judges.”
Judge Everett was appointed to the Leon County bench in 2016, elevated to the circuit bench in 2019, and re-elected a circuit judge in 2020.
Originally published at https://www.floridabar.org/the-florida-bar-news/abota-tallahassee-names-judge-stephen-everett-trial-jurist-of-the-year/
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