Miami-Dade County offers you several programs and tips on water wise usage.
Outdoor irrigation accounts for up to 50 percent of water use in Florida. Water Wisely and help turn your yard into a lush, landscaped wonder.
Miami-Dade County offers FREE assessments of your irrigation system. Eligible applicants can receive up to $500 for single-family homes and $2,850 for condominium associations in rebates per year as part of the Landscape Irrigation Evaluations and Rebate Program.
Improved irrigation efficiency can reduce the amount of water used outdoors and create healthier, more sustainable landscapes.
Learn about Landscape Tips and Requirements for smarter irrigation practices.
In addition, current outdoor water restrictions apply to all Miami-Dade County residents.
Outdoor Water Use (Irrigation Evaluation)
Originally published at https://www.miamidade.gov/global/news-item.page?Mduid_news=news1522957905068442
The post Request a landscape irrigation evaluation for your home first appeared on City News Miami.
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