small business owner
It’s now easier than ever for business owners to access their local business tax receipt.
After making your payment, you can access your receipt online and instantly print it in black and white or color.
Local business tax bills will be mailed to all businesses in July. Business owners are encouraged to pay online no later than Sept. 30.
To renew your local business tax online payment, you will need to provide your receipt number.
The County issues local business tax receipts for one year, beginning Oct. 1 and expiring on Sept. 30. A business located within a municipality is required to obtain both a city receipt and a County receipt.
Pay it. Print it. Post it.
Originally published at https://www.miamidade.gov/global/news-item.page?Mduid_news=news1602017472715893
The post Pay your Local Business Tax first appeared on City News Miami.
Miami - City News Miami originally published at Miami - City News Miami