2024 Countywide Elections

2024 Countywide Elections

2024 Countywide Elections

March 19 Presidential Preference Primary Election

Florida is a Closed Primary State
Per Florida Law, only voters who are registered members of a political party may vote for their respective party’s candidates in a primary election. Given the party candidates on the ballot, this year only registered Republican voters are eligible to vote in the March 19, 2024 Presidential Preference Primary Election. In addition, all registered voters residing in the municipalities of South Miami and Surfside are eligible to vote on their municipal ballot content.

August 20 Primary Election

  • Deadline to register to vote or change your party affiliation: July 22
  • Deadline to request a vote-by-mail ballot: August 8

November 5 General Election

Check your voter information

Originally published at https://www.miamidade.gov/global/news-item.page?Mduid_news=news1703878517318755

The post 2024 Countywide Elections first appeared on City News Miami.

Miami - City News Miami originally published at Miami - City News Miami