Florida Senate Democrats Vow to Defend Freedom & Health Care for Women

Florida Senate Democrats Vow to Defend Freedom & Health Care for Women

Florida Senate Democrats Vow to Defend Freedom & Health Care for Women

Tallahassee —

“This is a dark time for freedom in our nation. The draft opinion by SCOTUS to overturn Roe v. Wade reveals that a woman’s rights to her personal freedom, her privacy, and health care are no more important than the paper the opinion was written on. This move threatens not only us today, but future generations by turning back the clock and robbing a woman of her instinct humanity.   

We vow to defend the unalienable right for women to make personal decisions about their own health — decisions that must remain between a woman, her loved ones, and her doctor – not in the halls of any state capitol or Washington DC.” 

Originally published at https://www.flsenate.gov/Media/PressReleases/Show/4318

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