Florida lawyers have answered more than 24,000 civil legal questions since 2017 as part of the Florida Free Legal Answers program

Florida lawyers have answered more than 24,000 civil legal questions since 2017 as part of the Florida Free Legal Answers program

Florida lawyers have answered more than 24,000 civil legal questions since 2017 as part of the Florida Free Legal Answers program

Florida lawyers have answered more than 24,000 civil legal questions since 2017 as part of the Florida Free Legal Answers program

These volunteers have answered 75% of questions posted by income-eligible residents

Free Legal AnswersFlorida attorneys volunteering free counsel through the American Bar Association’s virtual clinic, Free Legal Answers, have answered 24,009 civil legal questions since 2017.

That is a response rate of 75%. There have been 31,936 questions posted through the virtual clinic by 37,588 registered client accounts since March 2017 when Florida began participating in the program.

Floridians must be income-eligible to post their civil legal questions to the website.

There are 1,133 Florida attorneys participating in the program, an increase of 27 since the ABA published its most recent profile of the profession last year.

According to that profile, Florida ranked second in the nation after Illinois for the number of volunteer attorneys participating in the program sponsored by the ABA Standing Committee on Pro Bono and Public Service, which launched in 2016.

To read more about the Florida Free Legal Answers program, click here.

Originally published at https://www.floridabar.org/the-florida-bar-news/florida-lawyers-have-answered-more-than-24000-civil-legal-questions-since-2017-as-part-of-the-florida-free-legal-answers-program/

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