CofE Leicester diocese signs first ever union agreement with Unite

CofE Leicester diocese signs first ever union agreement with Unite

The Leicester diocese of the Church of England has signed an historic agreement with Unite to represent its clergy and lay staff. The agreement, negotiated by the Church of England Clergy & Employee Advocates (CEECA) covers clergy and lay staff. The CEECA is a distinct part of Unite’s wider faith workers’ branch. It is the first agreement […]

The post CofE Leicester diocese signs first ever union agreement with Unite first appeared on Floridas News.

Be A Referring Lawyer

Be A Referring Lawyer

Be A Referring Lawyer Jim Vickaryous An old friend invited me to dinner. We originally met on opposite sides of a case and found common cause as lawyers as it worked its way through the court. We had not seen each other for a long while. At dinner, I asked him how his practice was […]

The post Be A Referring Lawyer first appeared on City News Miami.