December 1, 2023 Disciplinary Actions

December 1, 2023 Disciplinary Actions

December 1, 2023 Disciplinary Actions The Florida Supreme Court in recent court orders disciplined eight attorneys, disbarring one, revoking the license of one, suspending five and reprimanding one. Leon Menas Boyajan, II, 2303 Highway 44 W., Inverness, suspended for one year, effective 30 days following a November 2 court order. (Admitted to practice: 1983) Boyajan […]

The post December 1, 2023 Disciplinary Actions first appeared on City News Miami.

Scheduled maintenance

Scheduled maintenance

EIN Presswire is temporarily unavailable due to a planned system maintenance. The maintanance window is one hour; however we do not expect a downtime of more than 15 minutes. During this maintenance period, you will not be able to access our websites and services. We apologize for this […]

The post Scheduled maintenance first appeared on Floridas News.